Step Forward Orthotics are made in the shape of an ideal foot so that, in time your foot will re-shape to the orthotic. This corrects the foot. Step Forward Orthotics are highly proprioceptive, active foot correctors.
When foot posture is incorrect the entire body structure is incorrect. Weak arches or misaligned bones can lead to painful conditions throughout the body including feet, knees, hips, back, neck, and shoulders.
The foot will change its shape according to what supports it. Most arch support are made to fit the unbalanced or troubled foot. They are mere static foot support.
Try our orthotics today.
You and your feet will feel better
Step Forward Orthotics will:
Align and support the bones in your feet
Exercise and strengthen the muscles in the feet
Together, these two things will train your feet to the correct form. Problems caused by misaligned feet can be expected to improve.
Common Foot Ailments & Alignment issues
Bunions: Hallux Valgus.
An inherited way of standing and walking can push the big toe across towards the other toes. Calcium builds up at the joint to form a lump. Using Step Forward Orthotics and a simple exercise, many people have found relief and progressive correction, resulting in a straight toe without surgery.
Heel Pain:
Pain under the heel when you first rise from bed or
get up from a chair, is often plantar fasciitis. This chronic inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament -like structure that runs from heel to toes. The inflammation is caused by the fascia partially pulling away from the heel. Heel spurs (calcium deposits) may then form.
Most treatments are for the symptom. Step Forward Orthotics focus on the cause of the conditions by developing the muscles and fascia.